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Time frame for which the Forex trading signals are generated is equally important. Few trading signals can be valid only for a few minutes or an hour; others may have recommendations that are valid for a day or more. If the Forex trading signal providers generate signals for shorter time frame, you need to monitor the market frequently.
David Kane, a Houston oil industry technical support manager, says he found his way to Secure because he had stopped trusting bankers and brokers after the 2008 financial crisis. Kane, a single father raising three teenage boys, invested $2,500 in Secure in July 2013. His account grew to more than $4,000 by February 2014, according to his online statements.
If you were right (that is if you went long AUD/USD and AUD went up in value against USD), you would make a profit. If the trade went against you, however, you would make a loss. Set up a demo account in a few minutes! Practice trading strategies risk free with real time quotes and charts.